
Prince of Persia

As I saw it advertised I knew I had to be mine. A price of Persia comic style graphics engine to the Xbox 360 has to be good to force, I thought.
The truth is that history is great, although it does not "catch" the player enough or at least not as much as previous releases of this title for PS2. The graphics are good, but repetitive and the soundtrack leaves a little to be desired, as is also repetitive, as well as its game play.
After an hour of play you just realizing that you are playing an arcade game that is half platforms and bored with the same thing. Yet I've had, but it is quite linear up to where I ... style mazes to get Tomb Raider to a final boss stage, you kill him (and this is the only time when you fight ... is like Final Fantasy, it seems that "sales" mode to enter game mode combat), purify the field and by the following.
Honestly, I was disappointed. The game play and the fun are dreadful, but the story is good. Compared with its predecessors, is at the height of the bitumen.